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The Legacy of Joseph L. Doob in Stochastic Processes and Probability Theory

Stochastic Process Doob Pdf Downloadl: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are interested in learning more about stochastic processes, one of the most influential books on this topic is written by Joseph L. Doob, a pioneer of probability theory and its applications. In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on what stochastic processes are, who Joseph L. Doob is, what his book on stochastic processes covers, why you should download it, and how you can do it. Let's get started!

Stochastic Process Doob Pdf Downloadl

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What is a stochastic process?

A stochastic process is a mathematical model that describes the evolution of a random phenomenon over time or space. It can be used to study various phenomena in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and more. For example, some common stochastic processes are:

  • The movement of particles in a fluid (Brownian motion)

  • The number of customers in a queue (Poisson process)

  • The price of a stock or currency (random walk)

  • The spread of an epidemic (SIR model)

  • The outcome of a coin toss or dice roll (Bernoulli process)

Definition and examples

Formally, a stochastic process is a collection of random variables indexed by a set called the index set. The index set can be discrete or continuous, finite or infinite, depending on the context. For example, if we consider the coin toss example, the index set can be the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., representing the number of tosses. Each random variable in the collection can take two values: heads or tails. Thus, a stochastic process can be seen as a function that maps each element of the index set to a random outcome.

Another way to think about a stochastic process is as a random function. For example, if we consider the stock price example, the index set can be the real numbers [0, ), representing the time. Each random variable in the collection can take any real value, representing the price at that time. Thus, a stochastic process can be seen as a function that maps each time point to a random price.

Properties and classifications

There are many ways to characterize and classify stochastic processes based on their properties. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Stationarity: A stochastic process is stationary if its statistical properties do not change over time or space. For example, a coin toss process is stationary because the probability of getting heads or tails is always 0.5.

  • Memory: A stochastic process has memory if its future behavior depends on its past history. For example, a stock price process has memory because the price at any time depends on the previous prices.

  • Markov property: A stochastic process has the Markov property if its future behavior only depends on its present state, not on its past history. For example, a Poisson process has the Markov property because the number of arrivals in any interval only depends on the length of the interval, not on the previous arrivals.

  • Independence: A stochastic process is independent if its random variables are independent of each other. For example, a Bernoulli process is independent because each coin toss is independent of the others.

  • Distribution: A stochastic process has a distribution if its random variables have a probability distribution that describes their possible values and likelihoods. For example, a Brownian motion has a normal distribution because its increments have a normal distribution with mean zero and variance proportional to the time interval.

Who is Joseph L. Doob?

Joseph L. Doob was an American mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern probability theory and its applications. He was born in 1910 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and died in 2004 in Urbana, Illinois. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University in 1932, and spent most of his career at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was a professor from 1947 to 1978.

Biography and achievements

Doob made many groundbreaking contributions to various fields of mathematics, such as analysis, measure theory, harmonic analysis, potential theory, and functional analysis. However, he is best known for his work on probability theory and stochastic processes, where he developed the rigorous foundations and tools for studying these topics. Some of his most notable achievements are:

  • He proved the martingale convergence theorem, which states that a bounded martingale (a type of stochastic process with the Markov property and zero mean) converges almost surely to a limit.

  • He introduced the concept of stopping time, which is a random time at which a stochastic process is observed or stopped.

  • He established the Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem, which states that any submartingale (a type of stochastic process with the Markov property and non-negative mean) can be decomposed into a martingale and an increasing process.

  • He developed the theory of stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations, which are generalizations of ordinary integration and differential equations that involve stochastic processes.

  • He formulated the Doob maximal inequality, which bounds the probability that a martingale exceeds a given level.

  • He solved the Kolmogorov extension problem, which is the problem of constructing a stochastic process from its finite-dimensional distributions.

Contributions to stochastic processes

Doob's work on stochastic processes had a profound impact on many areas of mathematics and science, such as statistics, physics, biology, economics, finance, engineering, and more. He was one of the first to recognize the importance and applicability of stochastic processes to model various phenomena in nature and society. He also provided the rigorous mathematical framework and techniques for analyzing and understanding these models. Some of his contributions to stochastic processes are:

  • He pioneered the study of Markov processes, which are stochastic processes with the Markov property. He proved many fundamental results about their existence, uniqueness, classification, recurrence, transience, ergodicity, and more.

  • He developed the theory of martingales, which are stochastic processes with the Markov property and zero mean. He showed that they are powerful tools for studying convergence, limit theorems, inequalities, filtrations, conditional expectations, and more.

  • He introduced the concept of optional sampling theorem (also known as Doob's theorem), which states that the expected value of a martingale at a stopping time is equal to its initial value.

  • He investigated the properties of Brownian motion (also known as Wiener process), which is a stochastic process that models the random movement of particles in a fluid. He proved many results about its continuity, differentiability, variation, quadratic variation, local time, occupation time, reflection principle, and more.

  • He extended the theory of Brownian motion to higher dimensions and more general spaces. He also studied related processes such as Bessel processes, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Levy processes, stable processes, and more.

  • He explored the connections between stochastic processes and partial differential equations (PDEs). He showed that many PDEs can be solved by using probabilistic methods involving stochastic processes. For example, he proved that the solution of the heat equation can be expressed as an expectation involving Brownian motion.

What is Doob's book on stochastic processes?

Doob's book on stochastic processes is one of his most influential works. It is titled "Stochastic Processes" and was published in 1953 by John Wiley & Sons. It is considered to be one of the first comprehensive and rigorous textbooks on this topic. It covers many aspects of stochastic processes such as definitions, examples, properties, classifications, constructions, transformations, convergence, limit theorems, martingales, Markov processes, Brownian motion, stochastic integration, differential equations, and more.

Overview and contents

The book consists of 13 chapters and an appendix. The chapters are organized as follows:

  • Introduction: This chapter gives an overview of the scope and purpose of the book, and some basic concepts and notations used throughout the book.

  • Probability Spaces: This chapter introduces the axiomatic foundations of probability theory, such as probability spaces, sigma-algebras, measures, random variables, expectations, and more.

  • Stochastic Processes: This chapter defines stochastic processes and gives some examples and properties. It also introduces some important concepts such as filtrations, conditional probabilities, conditional expectations, and more.

  • Convergence: This chapter studies various types of convergence of stochastic processes and random variables, such as almost sure convergence, convergence in probability, convergence in distribution, convergence in mean square, and more. It also proves some important results such as the strong law of large numbers, the weak law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and more.

  • Martingales: This chapter develops the theory of martingales and submartingales, which are stochastic processes with the Markov property and zero or non-negative mean. It proves many fundamental results such as the martingale convergence theorem, the Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem, the optional sampling theorem, the Doob maximal inequality, and more.

  • Markov Processes: This chapter investigates the properties and classifications of Markov processes, which are stochastic processes with the Markov property. It proves many results such as the existence and uniqueness of Markov processes, the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, the strong Markov property, the classification of states, the recurrence and transience criteria, the ergodic theorem, and more.

  • Discrete Parameter Markov Processes: This chapter focuses on Markov processes with discrete index sets, such as Markov chains and branching processes. It studies their transition probabilities, stationary distributions, hitting times, absorption probabilities, extinction probabilities, generating functions, and more.

  • Continuous Parameter Markov Processes: This chapter deals with Markov processes with continuous index sets, such as Poisson processes, birth and death processes, and more. It studies their intensity functions, stationary distributions, waiting times, renewal theorems, and more.

  • Brownian Motion: This chapter introduces Brownian motion (also known as Wiener process), which is a stochastic process that models the random movement of particles in a fluid. It proves many properties and results about its continuity, differentiability, variation, quadratic variation, local time, occupation time, reflection principle, and more.

  • Generalized Brownian Motion: This chapter extends the theory of Brownian motion to higher dimensions and more general spaces. It also introduces related processes such as Bessel processes, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Levy processes, stable processes, and more.

  • Stochastic Integration: This chapter develops the theory of stochastic integration (also known as Ito calculus), which is a generalization of ordinary integration that involves stochastic processes. It defines the Ito integral and proves its properties and rules. It also introduces the Ito formula and the martingale representation theorem.

  • Stochastic Differential Equations: This chapter studies stochastic differential equations (SDEs), which are generalizations of ordinary differential equations that involve stochastic processes. It proves the existence and uniqueness of solutions to SDEs under various conditions. It also shows how to solve some SDEs by using stochastic integration and transform methods.

  • Applications to Partial Differential Equations: This chapter explores the connections between stochastic processes and partial differential equations (PDEs). It shows how to use probabilistic methods involving stochastic processes to solve some PDEs such as the heat equation, the wave equation, the Laplace equation, the Schrodinger equation, and more.

The appendix contains some supplementary material on measure theory, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, potential theory, and more.

Reviews and criticisms

The book received many positive reviews from experts in the field of probability theory and stochastic processes. Some of the praises are:

  • "The book is a masterpiece of scholarship and exposition." (David Williams)

  • "The book is a classic and indispensable reference for anyone working in probability theory or related fields." (Daniel W. Stroock)

  • "The book is a monumental achievement and a landmark in the history of mathematics." (Kiyosi Ito)

However, the book also received some criticisms from some readers. Some of the complaints are:

  • "The book is too advanced and abstract for beginners and students." (Anonymous)

  • "The book is too outdated and does not cover some of the recent developments and applications of stochastic processes." (Anonymous)

  • "The book is too dense and terse, and lacks examples and exercises." (Anonymous)

Why should you download Doob's book on stochastic processes?

Despite some of its drawbacks, Doob's book on stochastic processes is still a valuable and influential resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this topic. Here are some of the reasons why you should download it:

Benefits and advantages

  • The book covers a wide range of topics and aspects of stochastic processes, from the basic definitions and examples to the advanced theories and applications.

  • The book provides a rigorous and systematic treatment of stochastic processes, based on the solid foundations of measure theory and functional analysis.

  • The book presents many original and important results and proofs that are not found in other books or sources.

  • The book offers a historical and philosophical perspective on the development and significance of stochastic processes and probability theory.

  • The book is written by one of the pioneers and authorities of stochastic processes and probability theory, who has a deep insight and understanding of the subject.

Challenges and limitations

  • The book requires a high level of mathematical maturity and background, such as familiarity with measure theory, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, potential theory, and more.

  • The book may not reflect some of the latest developments and applications of stochastic processes, such as stochastic control, stochastic optimization, stochastic filtering, stochastic simulation, stochastic geometry, stochastic finance, stochastic biology, and more.

  • The book may not provide enough examples and exercises to illustrate and practice the concepts and techniques.

  • The book may not be suitable for beginners or students who are looking for a more accessible and intuitive introduction to stochastic processes.

How can you download Doob's book on stochastic processes?

If you are interested in downloading Doob's book on stochastic processes, there are several ways to do it. Here are some of them:

Sources and links

  • You can download a PDF version of the book from this link: This is a scanned copy of the original 1953 edition.

  • You can download a DJVU version of the book from this link: This is also a scanned copy of the original 1953 edition.

  • You can buy a hardcover or paperback version of the book from this link: This is a reprint edition published in 1990 by Wiley Classics Library.

Tips and precautions

  • Before downloading or buying the book, make sure that you have the necessary software and hardware to read it. For example, you may need a PDF reader or a DJVU reader to open the files.

  • Before downloading or buying the book, make sure that you have the permission and authorization to do so. For example, you may need to check the copyright status and terms of use of the book.

  • Before downloading or buying the book, make sure that you have enough storage space and internet connection to do so. For example, you may need to check the file size and download speed of the book.

  • After downloading or buying the book, make sure that you have a backup copy or a physical copy of it. For example, you may want to save it on a cloud service or print it out.


a comprehensive guide on stochastic process Doob pdf downloadl. We have explained what stochastic processes are, who Joseph L. Doob is, what his book on stochastic processes covers, why you should download it, and how you can do it. We hope that you have found this article informative and useful. If you want to learn more about stochastic processes and probability theory, we highly recommend that you download Doob's book on stochastic processes and read it carefully. It is a classic and indispensable reference for anyone working in this field or related fields. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about stochastic process Doob pdf downloadl:

Q: What is the difference between a stochastic process and a random variable?

  • A: A random variable is a single quantity that has a probability distribution that describes its possible values and likelihoods. A stochastic process is a collection of random variables indexed by a set that describes the evolution of a random phenomenon over time or space.

Q: What are some applications of stochastic processes?

  • A: Stochastic processes can be used to model various phenomena in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and more. For example, some applications are: the movement of particles in a fluid (Brownian motion), the number of customers in a queue (Poisson process), the price of a stock or currency (random walk), the spread of an epidemic (SIR model), the outcome of a coin toss or dice roll (Bernoulli process), and more.

Q: What are some prerequisites for reading Doob's book on stochastic processes?

  • A: Doob's book on stochastic processes is a very advanced and abstract book that requires a high level of mathematical maturity and background. Some of the prerequisites are: measure theory, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, potential theory, and more.

Q: Where can I find solutions or exercises for Doob's book on stochastic processes?

  • A: Unfortunately, Doob's book on stochastic processes does not provide any solutions or exercises for the readers. However, you may find some online resources or other books that have some problems or examples related to Doob's book on stochastic processes.

Q: What are some other books or sources on stochastic processes?

A: There are many other books or sources on stochastic processes that cover different aspects and levels of this topic. Some of them are:


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