Clever Question Mark: In Alfred, type ?hotkeys, ?keywords or the question mark followed by the name of a feature, workflow, snippet, custom search, etc to bring up the relevant results.
Every workflow has its own set of keywords and arguments, so have a look at the workflow's own documentation for details. You'll either find the documentation within the content of the workflow or on the creator's own website.
Citation: Buyse B, Nguyen PAH, Leemans J, et al. Short-term positive effects of a mandibular advancement device in a selected phenotype of patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea: a prospective study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023;19(1):5-16.
Quality Score can be a valuable tool in identifying ways to improve your ads, keywords, and landing pages. You can think of Quality Score as a general indicator of which areas to focus on to improve ad quality, rather than a score to be optimized.
Voice activation can also be turned on when the device is locked and the screen is off. Once an app is activated with a voice keyword, it will be able to continue listening to the microphone. Even when your device is locked and your screen is off, the app can activate for anyone who speaks near the device and have access to the same set of capabilities and information as when the device is unlocked.
Parallel running script block. Beginning with PowerShell 7.0, a third parameter set isavailable that runs each script block in parallel. The ThrottleLimit parameter limits thenumber of parallel scripts running at a time. As before, use the $_ variable to represent thecurrent input object in the script block. Use the $using: keyword to pass variable references tothe running script.
The ThrottleLimit parameter value is set to 4 so that the input is processed in batches of four.The $using: keyword is used to pass the $Message variable into each parallel script block.
The ForEach-Object -Parallel parameter set runs script blocks in parallel on separate processthreads. The $using: keyword allows passing variable references from the cmdlet invocationthread to each running script block thread. Since the script blocks run in different threads,the object variables passed by reference must be used safely. Generally it is safe to read fromreferenced objects that don't change. But if the object state is being modified then you mustused thread safe objects, such as .NET System.Collection.Concurrent types (See Example 11).
In the result set, the order of columns is the same as the order of theirspecification by the select expressions. If a select expression returns multiplecolumns, they are ordered the same way they were ordered in the sourcerelation or row type expression.
The GROUP BY clause divides the output of a SELECT statement intogroups of rows containing matching values. A simple GROUP BY clause maycontain any expression composed of input columns or it may be an ordinalnumber selecting an output column by position (starting at one).
GROUP BY clauses can group output by input column names not appearing inthe output of a select statement. For example, the following query generatesrow counts for the customer table using the input column mktsegment:
The HAVING clause is used in conjunction with aggregate functions andthe GROUP BY clause to control which groups are selected. A HAVINGclause eliminates groups that do not satisfy the given conditions.HAVING filters groups after groups and aggregates are computed.
UNION combines all the rows that are in the result set from thefirst query with those that are in the result set for the second query.The following is an example of one of the simplest possible UNION clauses.It selects the value 13 and combines this result set with a second querythat selects the value 42:
INTERSECT returns only the rows that are in the result sets of both the first andthe second queries. The following is an example of one of the simplestpossible INTERSECT clauses. It selects the values 13 and 42 and combinesthis result set with a second query that selects the value 13. Since 42is only in the result set of the first query, it is not included in the final results.:
EXCEPT returns the rows that are in the result set of the first query,but not the second. The following is an example of one of the simplestpossible EXCEPT clauses. It selects the values 13 and 42 and combinesthis result set with a second query that selects the value 13. Since 13is also in the result set of the second query, it is not included in the final result.:
Each expression may be composed of output columns, or it may be an ordinalnumber selecting an output column by position, starting at one. TheORDER BY clause is evaluated after any GROUP BY or HAVING clause,and before any OFFSET, LIMIT or FETCH FIRST clause.The default null ordering is NULLS LAST, regardless of the ordering direction.
Each row is selected to be in the table sample with a probability ofthe sample percentage. When a table is sampled using the Bernoullimethod, all physical blocks of the table are scanned and certainrows are skipped (based on a comparison between the sample percentageand a random value calculated at runtime).
This sampling method divides the table into logical segments of dataand samples the table at this granularity. This sampling method eitherselects all the rows from a particular segment of data or skips it(based on a comparison between the sample percentage and a randomvalue calculated at runtime).
The rows selected in a system sampling will be dependent on whichconnector is used. For example, when used with Hive, it is dependenton how the data is laid out on HDFS. This method does not guaranteeindependent sampling probabilities.
In Selenium, the Select class provides the implementation of the HTML SELECT tag. A Select tag provides the helper methods with select and deselect options. As Select is an ordinary class, its object is created by the keyword New and also specifies the location of the web element.
This method is used to select one of the options in a drop-down box or an option among multiple selection boxes. It takes a parameter of String which is one of the values of Select element and it returns nothing.
The code above will direct Selenium to navigate to the Browserstack home page and select the values from the drop-down lists available on the Developers and Solutions tabs as shown in the below figure.
Although MAS have been proposed as a viable alternative to patients with mild to moderate OSA intolerant to CPAP, data on compliance are controversial. Some reports indicate that generally patients prefer MAS to CPAP [Ferguson et al. 2006], while other studies report a similar preference or more preference for CPAP [Sutherland et al. 2014]. The rate of suspension after 1 year fluctuates from 10% to 25% of the patients treated with MAS and data on long-term compliance are still scarce [Dieltjens et al. 2013]. Indeed, as for other treatments, correct selection of patients is also important for MAS in order to achieve success. Although a good success rate has been reported after accurate selection of the candidates, it has to be mentioned that up to one-third of the patients are unresponsive to MAS. Factors predicting the response to treatment are still unclear. Generally, treatment success is achieved in younger, female patients without obesity and in nonpositional and milder OSA [Mehta et al. 2001]. In addition, some cephalometric and physiologic upper airway variables (i.e. low nasal resistance at rhinometry) predict the response to MAS [Liu et al. 2001; Zeng et al. 2008]. Patients requiring high CPAP pressures (>13 cm H2O) to eliminate apnoeas will not respond to MAS. It is noteworthy that one single night of titration is useful to predict the efficacy of MAS [Pételle et al. 2002]. Of course, MAS candidates also require sufficient healthy teeth and alveolar ridge, absence of temporomandibular disorders and a valid mandibular protrusion. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is fundamental and, after the diagnosis of OSA is made, a collaboration between dentists and sleep physicians is required in order to establish the indication for MAS, the choice of the best device and the titration procedure.
While Google keeps us on our toes with all the algorithm updates they keep rollin' out, one thing has stayed pretty consistent for inbound marketers looking to optimize their websites for search: keyword research.
Keyword research helps you find which keywords are best to target and provides valuable insight into the queries that your target audience is actually searching on Google. The insight that you can get into these actual search terms can help inform content strategy as well as your larger marketing strategy.
People use keywords to find solutions when conducting research online. So if your content is successful in getting in front of our audience as they conduct searches, you stand to gain more traffic. Therefore, you should be targeting those searches.
Google ranks content for relevance. This is where the concept of search intent comes in. Your content will only rank for a keyword if it meets the searchers' needs. In addition, your content must be the best resource out there for the query. After all, why would Google rank your content higher if it provides less value than other content that exists on the web?
Google will provide more weight to sources it deems authoritative. That means you must do all you can to become an authoritative source by enriching your site with helpful, information content and promoting that content to earn social signals and backlinks. If you're not seen as authoritative in the space, or if a keyword's SERPs are loaded with heavy sources you can't compete with (like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic), you have a lower chance of ranking unless your content is exceptional.
I'm going to lay out a keyword research process you can follow to help you come up with a list of terms you should be targeting. That way, you'll be able to establish and execute a strong keyword strategy that helps you get found for the search terms you actually care about. 041b061a72